You’re Invited! A monthly study group
A monthly study group, reading through Charlotte Mason’s volume, “Parents and Children”.

The Bible’s Costly Assumptions About Families
This article explores the disparity between the sentiments of the 2024-25 Women's Budget Statement and the Bible's vision of how children are raised. Instead of focusing on women's rights, I suggest we refocus by considering how our children are going with the biblical imperative that they obey their parents. Is it possible that the expectation that children can learn to obey has disappeared along with the means by which the Bible assumes it is learned?

Think-Aloud Chat: Children’s Books {audio only}
If we’re going to read good books with our young children, how do we find them?

The Necessary Desperation {bonus}
When we’ve been invested in giving good and restraining harm for our kids, the situations that bring them low can be bitter to us. But we and our children need these pains, lest we miss the best of comfort.

God Will Not Do What We Imagine {bonus}
One of the most brutal realisations is that our mothering will not achieve all that we imagine. So why bother? This article is about trading our speculations for the sure thing.

Q&A: How to Fill the Time? {audio only}
A response to a question about how we can fill the vast gaping hours with preschoolers.

#53. Ruined, Recycled, Restored
Perhaps we find motherhood difficult because we haven’t given much thought to building a house?

Abundance and Loss in Motherhood
Jesus has words for our abundance and our losses. We must be careful not to confuse a blessing for a curse, though.

Evangelism Think Aloud Chat {audio only}
Perhaps telling people about Jesus while we have children isn’t as complicated as we often make it?

#52. Two Ways to Ruin Motherhood
The great terror of motherhood is that we’d ruin it. This dread causes some mothers to do less: the less we do, the less we can fail. The same dread causes others to grip tighter and work harder: the harder we try the more sure the outcome will be. The painful truth is that both—minimal doing and overdoing—are ruinous to the thing we are trying to preserve.

Christmas Greetings Uncut {audio only}
Thoughts on Christmas effort from a chronic effort-avoider.

Guest Interview: Homeschooling Teens (With a Special Focus on Young Men)
An interview about helping, rather than hindering, our teens, especially the young men.

#51. Obedience is More Fun
We don't have to trick kids into obedience. And we mustn't neglect climbing trees.

What if it Doesn’t Work Out Well? {audio only}
What if our kids grow up to squander the good gifts we labour to give them? Comfort and fortification for the perilous work.

#50. Restraining Cute Blasphemy
If there was a way to sober me up in the euphoria of anticipating new motherhood, this verse was it. A hint that there was a weighty trust and great danger. I wasn’t merely welcoming a baby, but a person who would grow into an adult who would either fear the Lord or despise him.

How do Kids Become Independent? {audio only}
Think-aloud chat about how independence happens.